Year of Immigration
Thank you to our campus partners that have helped bring the Year of Immigration to fruition.
Driven by faculty, staff and students across University of Maryland’s schools and colleges, the Year of Immigration aims to increase awareness about immigration, global migration and refugees, and to foster a more connected and inclusive community. We hope to inspire open conversations that reflect our community’s diversity of opinion and cultural perspectives, and to advance UMD’s mission to prepare students for an increasingly global society.
We are both a nation and a campus of immigrants. As the largest public university in the Washington, D.C. region, Maryland has a student body representing over 130 countries. More than one-third of our graduate students and 1,300 international scholars come here from other countries to study, teach and conduct research. UMD also partners closely with the surrounding Prince George’s County community, where nearly one in four residents are foreign-born.
Principal Partners
University-wide offices
Colleges / Schools / Centers
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It is our civic duty to encourage open dialogue, embrace our international diversity, and build bridges to global citizenship.
To integrate your event into the Year of Immigration’s planning and publicity efforts, please reach out to the Office of International Affairs at with “Year of Immigration” in the subject line.